About Me

Hi! I am a third-year student pursuing a B.Eng. degree in Electronics and Information Engineering at Sichuan University (SCU). Currently, I'm working in areas such as image quality assessment and radar point cloud processing under the supervision of Professor Chao Ren. My research interests include radar point cloud processing, image processing, multimodal fusion.

I'm actively applying for a M.S position in 2025 Fall!

Research Interests

I am now focusing on the multimodal fusion of 4D radar point cloud and camera images for object detection in the field of autonomous driving. My dream is to combine computer vision technology with robotics to make artificial intelligence more efficient and widely used in people's daily life. Through a year of research, I have explored several directions, including:

Image Processing

Blind Image Quality Assessment(BIQA): how to give an BIQA score that is closer to real human visual perception.
Radar & Image Fusion Detection:how to use multimodal fusion to improve the accuracy of autonomous driving object detection.

Computer Vision & Robotics

how to combine computer vision technology with robotics to make artificial intelligence more efficient and widely used in people's daily life.


[2024.04] I became a reviewer for ACM MM 24! [2024.03] I became a reviewer for ICPR 24! [2023.08] 🎉 Our work Low-light-rainy Image Restoration is on arXiv 🎉.


Dual-Representation Interaction Driven Image Quality Assessment with Restoration Assistance
Jingtong Yue Xin Lin, Zijiu Yang, Zeyu Han, Chao Ren
Under review ACMMM, 2024
Unlocking Low-Light-Rainy Image Restoration by Pairwise Degradation Feature Vector Guidance Correspondence
Xin Lin, Jingtong Yue, Sixian Ding, Chao Ren, Chunle Guo, Chongyi Li, Ming-Hsuan Yang
Under review TIP, 2023
project page / arXiv

Course Project

Image Restoration App

Jingtong yue and Xin Lin (software only)
Advisor: Prof. Chao Ren
Electronic Science and Technology Innovation Competition
SCU, 2023

Patrol Robot NUS SWS 2023

Jingtong Yue, Daohong Ying, Zimo Qi, Junlin Li
Advisor: Prof.Tan and Prof.Anderson
NUS, 2023


National University of Singapore

2023.05 ~ 2023.07
Summer research student
Supervisor: Prof.Tan and Prof.Anderson
Sichuan University
2021.09 ~ present
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
GPA: 90.85/100 (rank 2/30)
B.Eng. in Electronics and Information Engineering.


Second-class Scholarship, Sichuan University (top 3% in Sichaun University). Outstanding Student Award, Sichuan University (top 1% in Sichaun University). Chinese Mathematics Competitions first prize (top 0.08% in Sichuan province).